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- . Gioioso Richard N
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- Acosta Gonzalez Eliane
- Adams David
- Adams Susan
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- Aníbal
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- Arch
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- ARTnews
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- Betancourt Roger
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- Bobes Velia Cecilia
- Borjas George J.
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- Brookings Institution
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- Bye
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- CaféFuerte
- Cairncross John
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- Campos Carlos Oliva
- Campos Pedro
- Caruso-Cabrera Michelle
- Casey Michael
- Castañeda Rolando H.
- Castellano Dimas
- Castro Fidel
- Castro Ramphis
- Castro Raúl
- Castro Teresa Garcia
- Catá Backer Larry
- Cave Damien
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- Centeno Ramón I.
- Center for Democracy in the Americas’ Cuba Program
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- César Guanche Julio
- Chaguace daArmando
- Chase Michelle
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- Chepe Oscar
- Christian Solidarity Worldwide
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- Cordoba Jose de
- Crahan Margaret E.
- Cuba Central Team
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- Cuba Study Group
- Cuban Research Institute
- Dade Carlo
- de Aragon Uva
- de Céspedes Monseñor Carlos Manuel
- De la Cruz Ochoa Ramón
- De la Fuente Alejandro
- de la Torre Augusto
- De Miranda Parrondo
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- DFAIT Canada
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- Dore Elizabeth
- Duany Jorge
- Duffy Andrew
- Echavarria Oscar A.
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- Economist Intelligence Unit
- Eduardo Perera Gómez Eduardo
- Eire Carlos
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- Environmental Defense Fund
- Erikson Daniel P
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- Escobar Reinaldo
- Espacio Laical
- Espino María Dolores
- Farber Samuel
- Faya Ana Julia
- Feinberg Richard E.
- Feinsilver Julie M.
- Fernandez Tabio Luis Rene
- Field Alan M.
- Florida International University
- Font Mauricio
- Frank Mark
- Franks Jeff
- Fulton
- Fusco Coco
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- Gabriele Alberto
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- Gámez Torre Nora
- Gámez Torres Nora
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- Garcia Anicia
- Garcia Anne-Marie
- Garcia Cardiff
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- Garrett Laurie
- Gazeta Oficial
- Globe and Mail
- Gómez Manzano Rene
- González Ivet
- González Lenier
- González Mederos Lenier
- Gonzalez Roberto M
- González Roberto Veiga
- González-Corzo Mario A.
- Gonzalez-Cueto Aleida
- Gorney Cynthia
- Granma
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- Gratius Susanne
- Grenier
- Grenier Guillermo J.
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- Havana Times
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- Kergin Michael
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- Kirk John
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- Lutjens Sheryl
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- Oscar
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- Perera Gómez Eduardo
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- Pérez Lorenzo L.
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- Pérez-Liñán
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- Politics
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- Press larry
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- puj
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- Pumar
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- Quartz
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- Rathbone Jphn Paul
- Ravsberg Fernando
- Reporters Without Borders
- Reuters
- Ricardo Ramírez Jorge
- Ritter
- Ritter Arch
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- Rodriguez Rodriguez Raul
- Rodriquez Jose Luis
- Rogelio Manuel
- Rohrlich Justin
- Rojas Janet
- Rojas Rafael
- Romero Antonio F.
- Romero Carlos A.
- Romero Vidal
- Romeu Jorge Luis
- Romeu Rafael
- Ross Oakland
- Sagebien Julia
- Saladrigas Carlos
- Salazar Maria Elvira
- Sánchez Jorge Mario
- Sánchez Juan Tomas
- Sánchez Yoani
- Sanders Ronald
- Sanguinetty Jorge A.
- Santiago Fabiola
- Scarpacci Joseph L.
- Scheye Rlaine
- Seiglie Carlos
- Sher Julian
- Smith Anthony
- Sofía
- Spadoni Paolo
- Srone Richard
- Stevens Sarah
- Strauss Michael J.
- Stusser Rodolfo J.
- Sullivan Mark P.
- Svejyar Jan
- Tamayo Juan
- The Economist
- Theiman Louis
- Thiemann Louis
- Toro Francisco
- Toronto Star
- Torres Perez Ricardo
- Torres Ricardo
- Tønnessen-Krokan Borghild
- Travieso-Dias Matias F.
- Trejos Alberto
- Triana Cordovi Juan
- Triana Juan
- Triff
- Triff Soren
- Trotta Daniel
- Tummino Alana
- United States Department of Agriculture
- US Department of Agriculture
- US Department of the Treasury
- US International Trade Commission
- US Treasury
- Valdés Dagoberto
- Vazquez Jose
- Vega Veronica
- Veiga González Roberto
- Vera Rojas
- Verma Sonia
- Vidal Alejandro Pavel
- Vidal José Ramón
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- Warren Cristina
- Weinreb Amelia
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- Wells Cheney
- Werlau Maria C.
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- Werner Johannes
- West-Durán Alan
- Whitefield Mimi
- Whitfield Esther
- Wolfe Andy
- Woolley Frances
- Wylie lana
- Yaffe Helen
- Yoani
- Zamora Antonio R.
Websites and Blogs from Cuba
- OnCubaNews
- Diario de Cuba (DDC)
- Las Damas de Blanco
- Lunes de Post-Revolucion
- 14 y medio
- Granma, Órgano oficial del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba.
- Pedro Monreal, el estado como tal
- Havana Times
- La Joven Cuba
- Desde aquí / Reinaldo Escobar
- Translating Cuba, Translations of website postings from Cuba, mainly from 14 y Medio
- La Joven Cuba
Websites and Blogs on Cuba
Web Sites and Blogs on the Cuban Economy
- Pedro Monreal, el estado como tal
- ASCE Annual Proceedings
- Republica de Cuba: Oficina Nacional de Estadisticas
- Revista Temas de Economía Mundial. 2011 – 2020.
- Centro de Estudios de la Economía Cubana (CEEC)
- 14 y medio
- Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy (ASCE)
- Revista de la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad de La Habana.
Economics Websites: General
Recent Comments
- Erika Hagelberg on G. B. Hagelberg, Analyst and Friend of Cuba. His Last Work: ¨Cuban Agriculture: Limping Reforms, Lame Results”
- Roberto Bonachea Entrialgo on Esteban Morales Domínguez, “FRENTE A LOS RETOS DEL COLOR COMO PARTE DEL DEBATE POR EL SOCIALISMO” and Commentary by Juan Tamayo
- Alexis Aguilera-Borges on Jump-Starting the Introduction of Conventional Western Economics in Cuba
- Lechner Rodríguez Aguilar on Recuperation and Development of the Bahi ́a de la Habana
Reuters, February 20, 2021.
By Sarah Marsh, Rodrigo Gutierrez
Original Article: Anthem Featuring “Gente de Zona” Sparks State Fury
HAVANA (Reuters) – A group of Miami-based Cuban musicians including reggaeton duo Gente de Zona launched an impassioned anti-Communist anthem this week that has gone viral, sparking a furious state response.
Gente de Zona, Yotuel of hip-hop band Orishas fame and singer-songwriter Descemer Bueno collaborated on the song with two rappers in Cuba, Maykel Osorbo and El Funky, who are part of a dissident artists’ collective that sparked an unusual protest against repression outside the culture ministry last November.
“Homeland and Life” repurposes the old slogan “Patria o Muerte” (“Homeland or Death”) emblazoned on walls across the Caribbean country ever since Fidel Castro’s 1959 leftist revolution and expresses frustration with being required to make sacrifices in the name of ideology for 62 years.
The lyrics refer to ideological intolerance, the partial dollarization of the economy, food shortages and the exodus of young Cubans who see no future on the island. The government blames its economic woes largely on crippling U.S. sanctions.
The video here featuring the five artists – all Black men – has racked up 1 million views on YouTube in three days, sparking lively discussions on social media, while many in Cuba – where internet service is costly – are sharing it on USB sticks.
“No more lies, my people calls for freedom, no more doctrines” sings Alexander Delgado, one half of GdZ, chanting “It’s over” in the refrain.
The Miami-based artists had until recently managed the tightrope of achieving capitalist success abroad without breaking with the Communist-run island. GdZ even called for applause for Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel at a Havana concert in 2018 although that sparked calls for a boycott from some in the exile community.
Cuban state media and officials including the president have launched a barrage of attacks, Twitter hashtags and memes on “Homeland and Life,” branding it unpatriotic and without artistic merit. They say the artists behind it are opportunistically trying to placate their Miami public.
“It makes fun of one of the slogans held aloft by our people in the face of continuous U.S. aggressions,” said Havana-based TV anchor Froilan Arencibia.
Ana Dopico, the Cuban-born director of the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics at New York University, said the rejection of that revolutionary cry was unprecedented in recent Cuban popular music.
“It shocks us all out of the depressing menace of death that comes with our understanding of nation,” she said.
The song reflects a surge in overt anti-Cuban-government sentiment among more contemporary generations of Cuban migrants, said Michael Bustamante, an assistant professor of Latin American history at Florida International University.
But it has also resonated with people on the island, especially youths who have become increasingly vocal about their frustrations since the advent of mobile internet two years ago, with some emblazoning their Facebook Profile photos with the banner “Homeland and Life.”
“I follow Fidel’s ideals but lately things have been happening that I don’t really agree with,” said Havana resident Loraine Martinez, who enjoyed the song.
This is not the first time that the songs of Cuban musicians on the island and abroad have become stand-ins for political causes, said Bustamante. But the Cuban government’s response was unusually forceful, he said, reflecting its anxiety and what he called “misplaced priorities.”
“If they are worried about popular frustration, the way to fix that is to focus on bread-and-butter reforms, not this kind of reflexive ideological performativity,” he said.
No Country Magazine, 02/26/2021
Complete Interview: “Can We Still Be Revolutionaries?”
In this exclusive interview with Ted Henken, New York graphic artist, blogger, and one-time habanera Anna Veltfort shares the contents of her “Cuban Cold War closet,” revealing long-held secrets from the decade she and her family spent in Cuba during the Revolution’s honeymoon years. For her, and for many other young gay artists of her generation, these were both tough and luminous years filled with illusions, idealism, and unforgettable events, both exhilarating and terrifying.
Brought to Cuba by her Communist parents as a 16-year-old in early 1962, Veltfort attended high school and college alongside her Cuban classmates, eventually graduating in Art History from the University of Havana in 1972. As she came of age in this heady and politically polarized environment, she enthusiastically joined in to build a better world as a proud revolutionary, doing voluntary agricultural labor around Havana and conducting social research among the peasants of the Sierra Maestra Mountains.
At the same time, she quickly perceived that daily life for her ordinary Cuban friends bore little resemblance to the privileged circumstances her family enjoyed as “foreign technicians.” Veltfort also endured harrowing first-hand experiences of gay paranoia and repression as she explored and defined her own sexual identity as a lesbian during the time of cruel homophobic purges that swept through Cuban society.
At the most basic level, her book Goodbye, My Havana: The Life and Times of a Gringa in Revolutionary Cuba (Redwood Press, 2019; Verbum, 2017) is a coming of age memoir. But it is also the work of a very talented graphic artist. Perhaps most importantly, it is a first-hand testimonial and admonition about the perverse reality lurking beneath an often-romanticized Revolution.
* This interview was originally done in two separate parts that straddle the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. The first was a public book presentation at the Instituto Cervantes in New York City on February 24, 2020, co-sponsored by the Centro Cultural Cubano de Nueva York (CCCNY). The second was a Zoom-enabled class visit by the author to Henken’s Latin American studies course at Baruch College on June 30, 2020. The two interviews have been synthesized here by Henken and then edited for clarity and accuracy by Veltfort. Note also that some of the questions here accredited to Henken were actually asked by his students in a Q&A with the author.
** This photo shows the School of Letters foreigners at work in the countryside in Cuba on April 1965. Connie is standing in the center.
*** The images are from the book Goodbye, My Havana. The Life and Times of a Gringa in Revolutionary Cuba, Stanford University Press, 2019.
Republica de Cuba, Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social
The announcement by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security that some 2000 activities were to be open to small enterprise while only 124 activities were to be excluded from the list gave the impression that this was a major liberalization of small enterprise. Indeed, this may well be the case, at least to some extent. But some important areas such as architecture, engineering, accounting, some other professional activities and services to enterprises and are still prohibited.
Journalism is prohibited [110.Actividades de periodistas. (9000)]. This is indeed most regrettable, confirming once again the limits on liberty of expression in Cuba. How this is implemented remains to be seen. It looks as though it provides a l justification for shutting down the independent bloggers and most notably the producers of the on-line newspaper, “14 y medio.” If this were to happen, all hell will break loose.
The listing of the 124 activity areas that are prohibited to small and medium enterprise is available at this location: https://www.mtss.gob.cu/noticias/actividades-donde-no-se-permite-el-ejercicio-del-trabajo-por-cuenta-propia
El Clasificador Nacional de Actividades Económicas (CNAE), está integrado en 4 niveles de agregación que se reparten en 21 secciones identificadas mediante un código alfabético de una letra, subdivididas a su vez en 87 divisiones, 237 grupos, 421 clases, que en total contienen 2 mil 110 actividades, limitándose total o parcialmente algunas de estas estructuras, o solo determinadas actividades, que la propuesta se propone limitar 124 de ellas.
La lista no incluye actividades consideradas ilícitas para todos los actores económicos o prohibidos expresamente por ley como, por ejemplo: la caza y pesca de especies prohibidas y en peligro de extinción, explotación de las plantas endémicas, empleo infantil y trabajo forzado, entre otras.
Puede descargar el archivo desde el Menú Descargas de esta página web en la sección Normas Jurídicas en el campo Tarea Ordenamiento o a través del siguiente enlace: ACTIVIDADES DONDE NO SE PERMITE EL EJERCICIO DEL TRABAJO POR CUENTA PROPIA
Posted in Blog
Tagged Cuenta-Propistas, Economic Reforms, Self-Employment, Small Enterprise
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February 16, 2021
Contact: Ricardo Herrero
In a newly published policy paper, the Cuba Study Group cites engagement as the best way to advance U.S. national interests, reassert regional leadership, and promote freer, more prosperous future for Cuban people
*Download the policy paper in English
and Spanish versions.*
Washington/Miami – The Cuba Study Group, a non-partisan organization comprised
of Cuban-American business leaders and young professionals, published a policy
paper on Tuesday calling renewed diplomatic engagement with Cuba vital to
advancing U.S. national interests and to promoting a freer, more prosperous
future for the Cuban people. The policy paper, delivered Tuesday morning to the
White House, is the first comprehensive policy vision delivered to the
Biden Administration by a prominent Cuban American organization, and
challenges both the United States and Cuban governments to “strive to make the
normalization of relations resilient in order to insulate progress from
unpredictable political cycles.”
The policy recommendations come just two weeks after the White House asserted
that its efforts on Cuba policy will be grounded in support for democracy and
human rights, and that Cuban-Americans are the best ambassadors for freedom in
Cuba. The white paper, titled U.S.-Cuba Relations in the Biden Era: A
Case for Making Engagement Resilient as a Means of Providing Long-Term Support
for the Cuban People, which can be downloaded in English and Spanish versions on
our website at www.cubastudygroup.org,
calls for a new approach at engagement that puts long-term support for the
Cuban people, and their well-being, at the center of U.S.-Cuba relations
“As the new Administration undertakes a review of standing Cuba policies, it’s
important to communicate that simply reversing Trump era actions that unduly
harmed the Cuban people during the last four years won’t be enough,” said
Carlos Saladrigas, Chairman of the Cuba Study Group. “We believe the Cuban
people at home and abroad hold the keys to more resilient relations between the
United States and Cuba, and should be seen as partners in this effort. That
means both governments must take proactive steps to strengthen ties between
their nations’ civil societies and private sectors over the next four
years. Only through deep and transparent socio-economic bonds will we be
able to protect progress toward normalization against cyclical political
The policy paper reaffirms that the United States should continue to highlight
Cuba’s democratic failings and continue to support actors across the Cuban
spectrum working to ensure that greater economic and civic freedoms
are guaranteed on the island. It cautions, however, that “strident
denunciations of the failures of communism and absolutist conditions for
sanctions relief are feeble substitutes for robust diplomacy” like the kind
needed to empower the Cuban people to shape their own destinies.
The policy paper delineates three specific tracks:
- Restoring Support for the Cuban People as a Policy Priority and Rebuilding Trust
- Tackling the “Tough Stuff” and Making Normalization Stick Through High-Level, Direct Diplomacy
- Responding to Openness with Openness
The first track lays out
detailed policy recommendations for rolling back harmful Trump-era policies, as
well as steps for restoring support for the Cuban private sector, resuming
public health cooperation, restarting fundamental diplomatic functions,
rebuilding trust, and better engaging Cuban-Americans as partners. The second
recommends the designation of a special representative to tackle long
unresolved disputes and to move forward on the negotiation of cooperation
agreements. The track third argues for further openness to steps taken by the
Cuban government, which has begun important reforms such as ending its dual
currency and its recent expansion of the private sector. However, the Cuban
government will need to recognize greater rights for its citizens to help
cement progress and increase congressional support for further action on
counterproductive Cuba sanctions or other targeted assistance.
“While the Cuban government was slow to respond to many of the opportunities
provided by renewed diplomatic relations in 2014, the Cuban people
themselves made significant progress expanding the island’s nascent private
sector and civil society,” added Ricardo Herrero, CSG Executive Director. “Cuban-Americans
are ready to be constructive partners, and have long contributed to the
future of the island. The Biden Administration has a window of opportunity to
act, and to do so boldly, but Cuba must also do its part. Failure to lock in
significant progress during the next four years could entrench another
generation on both sides of the Florida Straits into the patterns of hostility
and suspicion that have defined most of the past seven decades.”
“Cuban-Americans are clamoring for a legal framework that makes it possible
to openly work with and invest alongside Cuban entrepreneurs, not only to
help them succeed individually but also to bolster the island’s nascent private
sector and improve the island’s economy,” added Karina Duquesne, a Cuba Study
Group Young Professional Member and corporate attorney. “Now that Cuba has
opened up much of its economy to private enterprise, enabling Cuban
entrepreneurs to open bank accounts in the United States and authorizing
American companies to provide business-to-business services to those
entrepreneurs would help build a community of stakeholders vital to
sustaining this new era of engagement.”
FIDEL CASTRO’S REVENGE ON THE USA: Senators Ted Cruz (R. Texas) and Marco Rubio (R., Florida)
Fidel Castro must be laughing in his grave for the damage that the two Cuban-American Senators, Rubio and Cruz, have helped to inflict on the United States.
In the words of Senator McConnell
“The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instruction of their president. And their having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth. The issue is not only the president’s intemperate language on January 6 … It was also the entire manufactured atmosphere of looming catastrophe, the increasingly wild myths about a reverse landslide election that was somehow being stolen by some secret coup by our now-president.” (M. McConnell, 13, Feb. 2021
This was in effect the Majority case for the impeachment of Donald Trump. (But just before this, McConnell had voted to acquit former President Trump. His argument was basically that Trump was no longer president – though as we all know he had made it impossible for the Senate to take Trump to trial while he was still President. Unbelievable duplicity and hypocrisy.)
After being nastily abused by Trump and after criticizing Trump sharply during the 2016 election, both Marco Rubio Ted Cruz sucked up to Trump. They supported him and his behaviour at virtually all times on almost all issues. They were and are cowardly sycophants of the ex. president. They were his enablers and co-conspirators before and after the 2020 election. Their failure to fulfill their oaths of office and defend democracy in the United States is unconscionable.
The names of Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, along with 41 other Republican senators, will live in infamy. Fidel Castro in his grave would be pleased as would his current inheritors.
Declassified State Department review faults “lack of senior leadership,” “systemic disorganization” in response to unsolved health episodes
Tillerson State Department failed to conduct risk/benefit assessment before reducing Embassy staff
Report of Accountability Review Board confirms CIA closure of its Havana Station in September 2017
ARB investigation cited similar health incidents involving U.S. personnel in China and two other countries
Edited by Peter Kornbluh,
Washington D.C., February 10, 2021 – The Trump administration’s response to the mysterious health episodes experienced by intelligence and diplomatic personnel in Havana, Cuba, in late 2016 and 2017 was plagued by mismanagement, poor leadership, lack of coordination, and a failure to follow established procedures, according to a formerly secret internal State Department review posted today by the National Security Archive. “The Department of State’s response to these incidents was characterized by a lack of senior leadership, ineffective communications, and systemic disorganization,” states the executive summary of the report, compiled by an internal Accountability Review Board (ARB) after a four-month investigation in 2018. “No senior official was ever designated as having overall responsibility,” the report noted in a thinly veiled indictment of then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s role, “which resulted in many of the other issues this report presents.”
The West Australian, Sunday 7 February 2021
Original Article: Cuban Gold Resource Drill Out
Cubanex’s diamond rig kicks off Antilles maiden drilling program at its La Demajagua project in Cuba
Antilles Gold has launched a massive 25,000 metre drilling campaign across its La Demajagua gold and silver project in Cuba. The company is looking to delineate a resource over the deposit with the current drilling program also set to provide bulk samples for metallurgical test work as Antilles eyes a rapid move into a feasibility study for its precious metal-rich project in the Caribbean.
Drilling at La Demajagua is being undertaken by local contractor, Cubanex who is co-owned by Canadian drilling company Heath and Sherwood International. Antilles has commenced infill and extensional drilling across the Delita deposit in order to confirm the results of previous exploration. The company has designed more than 200 development drill holes over the ore system, with the deepest holes set to test the deposit at depths of more than 220m below surface.
Cubanex’ first rig is now on site and producing drill core, with the expectation it will be joined by a second rig in February 2021. The option is also in place for a third rig should Antilles choose to up the ante on the development program. All diamond core sample assaying and metallurgical test-work will be undertaken by SGS laboratories in Canada, with the company expected to table its maiden resource for the project in the first half of this year and complete its pre-feasibility soon after.
Antilles’ La Demajagua project lies on the western side of the Isla de Juventud, or Isle of Youth, around 170km to the south of Havana, across the Gulf of Batabano in Cuba. The island covers an area of more than 2,200 square kilometres and is the seventh-largest island in the West Indies.
The company began discussions to acquire La Demajagua in late 2018 and finally closed the deal in August 2020, having formed a joint venture vehicle with the state-owned GeoMinera to explore and develop the slumbering precious metals deposit. The joint venture company, Minera La Victoria, will be 49 per cent owned by Antilles once the company has completed its initial earn-in by spending US$13 million on exploration and development across the project. The company says it expects to complete this initial phase of expenditure in the first three-years of its development program in Cuba.
Antilles’ enticing precious metals project is located 27km south-west of the regional centre of Nueva Gerona, with the centrepiece of the acquisition being the dormant Delita gold and silver mine. Delita has a history of production dating back to the 1920s however it has been mined only on a modest scale, with artisanal operations and smaller mining groups having extracted high-grade gold ores via underground operations between 1947 and 1989.
Following the mine’s closure in the late 1980s, Delita has been subject to several exploration campaigns by Canadian explorers which has generated a database of more than 50,000m of drilling. Expert mining group, Cube Consulting in Perth, Western Australia, has reviewed the existing database of drilling and used it to assist in the design of the current drilling program, with modelling outlining a massive “exploration target” of between 16 and 20 million tonnes of ore at a healthy grade of 2.3 to 2.7 grams per tonne gold.
Interestingly, Cube’s modelling also shows the deposit to contain between 17 and 23 g/t of silver and with the lustrous metal currently gaining popularity in the global market and trading at close to US$27 an ounce, it provides the developing resource with a welcome credit. Utilising Cube’s projections, the Delita resource is expected to host more than 1.2 million ounces of gold and 8.7 million ounces of silver.
However, Antilles has also delved further into the historical body of work over Delita, utilising feasibility studies completed back in the 1990s to formulate a preliminary economic assessment. The development proposal envisages an 800,000 tonne per year open pit mining operation aimed at producing over 60,000 tonnes of high-grade gold-silver sulphide concentrate per annum, with an initial six-year mine life.
Based upon previous metallurgical work undertaken by internationally recognised SGS-Lakefield in Canada, the sulphide concentrate would grade at an eye-catching 47 g/t gold and 380 g/t silver, delivering around 90,500 ounces of gold and 730,000 ounces of silver into Antilles’ coffers per annum.
With drilling now underway at La Demajagua and a rapid move to feasibility already on the horizon for Antilles, the company has successfully shifted its focus into Cuba and looks set to put its hard-won expertise in the mining and processing of sulphide ores in the America’s to good use in the development of the gold and silver-rich Delita deposit south of Havana.
Carmelo Mesa-Lago
By William M. LeoGrande
Special to the Sun Sentinel |
Jan 28, 2021 at 10:09 AM
Original Article: Biden Should Act Fast on Cuba
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s last-minute ploys to poison the well of foreign relations with China, Iran and Cuba will force President Joe Biden to make repairing foreign policy a priority. China and Iran are intrinsically more important than Cuba, which poses no real threat to the United States. Nevertheless, there are good reasons for the president to move quickly to re-engage with Cuba as he promised during the campaign.
Cuba is a high-profile foreign policy issue because it played such an out-sized role as a focal point of Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. President Obama’s 2014 opening attracted global attention and praise as a historic achievement akin to President Richard Nixon’s opening to China. Quick action to re-engage with Cuba will send the message that Biden intends to have an active foreign policy, re-engaging with both allies and adversaries and rebuilding U.S. stature in the world.
Moreover, the humanitarian situation on the island justifies early action. The Trump administration has caused real hardship by blocking travel and the flow of remittances to Cuban families. If the new administration delays in fulfilling Biden’s campaign promise to reverse those sanctions, it will prolong the suffering of Cuban families unnecessarily.
Re-engagement is also the best way to support human rights. Although Cuban leaders have never been willing to make concessions about internal affairs in order to mollify Washington, human rights conditions in Cuba have been linked to U.S.-Cuban relations historically. When relations have improved, the human rights situation has improved as well; when relations have deteriorated, Cuban leaders’ heightened sense of threat has led to crackdowns on dissent. The best way to exert a positive influence on human rights in Cuba is to re-engage with the Cuban government while, at the same time, continuing to express our basic commitment to democracy and human rights.
The crisis in Venezuela poses another humanitarian challenge. The hardship endured by Venezuelans and the migration pressure on neighboring countries demands early attention.
President Trump’s failed policy of regime change has made matters worse, underscoring the reality that the only path back to democracy in Venezuela is through a negotiated political settlement. Given Cuba’s support for Nicolas Maduro’s government, Cuban cooperation will be necessary to achieve a Venezuelan settlement, just as it was necessary for ending the conflict in southern Africa in the 1980s. By re-engaging with Cuba sooner rather than later, the Biden administration can begin to create the conditions for progress in Venezuela.
Practically speaking, the upcoming Ninth Summit of the Americas, scheduled for late 2021 and hosted by the United States, is a decision-forcing event that will compel the new administration to formulate its policy toward Latin America, including Cuba. The summit will also provide an opportunity for President Biden to meet Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel — a meeting that would be more productive if the new administration has already taken steps to repair the damage done to relations by Trump.
Although the United States may not have as much at stake in relations with Cuba as it does elsewhere, the bilateral relationship offer a wide variety of opportunities for cooperation because Cuba is a near-neighbor. During President Obama’s last two years in office, the United States and Cuba signed 22 bilateral agreements on issue of mutual interests ranging from counter-narcotics to environmental protection.
Many contemporary foreign policy issues are transnational and can only be addressed through cooperation with our neighbors. On most of those issues, U.S. and Cuban interests coincide; significant progress can be made if Washington returns to a policy of engagement. For the Biden administration, delaying means delaying opportunities to advance U.S. interests.
Of all the foreign policy challenges that Biden faces, re-engaging with Cuba is among the easiest. The basic principles of re-engagement can be laid out quickly because they were well-defined in then-President Obama’s Oct. 14, 2016 policy directive.
Every sanction Trump imposed on Cuba was imposed unilaterally by executive authority, so they all can reversed the same way. Most could be retracted in a single package simply by returning the regulations that govern the U.S. embargo to their status on Jan. 20, 2017. A few of Trump’s actions will take longer to repair — removing Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism and re-staffing the U.S. embassy in Havana. But much can be done in the meantime.
Since Biden’s election, Cuban leaders have expressed their interest in a better relationship based on cooperation and mutual respect. Washington should not wait for Havana to take the initiative. Trump broke off engagement with Cuba, so Biden should take the first steps to restore it — the sooner the better.
William M. LeoGrande is Professor of Government at American University in Washington, DC, and co-author with Peter Kornbluh of Back Channel to Cuba: The Hidden History of Negotiations between Washington and Havana.
Ricardo Herrero <ricardo.herrero@cubastudygroup.org> Cuba Review, 2021-01-19 Original Article: Trump Legacy for Cuba In 11th hour move, U.S. State Secretary Pompeo returns Cuba to State Sponsors of Terrorism List |
As anticipated for months, “the State
Department designated Cuba a state sponsor of terrorism on [January 11] in
a last-minute foreign policy stroke that will complicate the incoming Biden
administration’s plans to restore friendlier relations with Havana. In
a statement, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo cited Cuba’s hosting of 10
Colombian rebel leaders, along with a handful of American fugitives wanted
for crimes committed in the 1970s, and Cuba’s support for the authoritarian
leader of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro. Mr. Pompeo said the action sent the
message that ‘the Castro regime must end its support for international
terrorism and subversion of U.S. justice.’ The action, announced with
just days remaining in the Trump administration, reverses a step taken in
2015 after President Barack Obama restored diplomatic relations with Cuba,
calling its decades of political and economic isolation a relic of the Cold
War.” (The New York Times, January 11, 2020) “The inclusion of Cuba on the blacklist alongside North Korea, Syria and Iran is the culmination of the ‘maximum pressure’ campaign launched by the Trump administration to punish the Cuban government for its support of Venezuelan leader Nicolás Maduro and to dismantle the engagement policies of former President Barack Obama.” (Miami Herald, January 11, 2021) “[The] reaction in Havana was swift and vociferous. The Cuban government accused Washington of hypocrisy, and called the label an act of ‘political opportunism’ by President Trump to obstruct relations between Cuba and the incoming administration of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. Beyond indignation, though, Cubans are ready to move on, a sentiment underlined by their president, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, who tweeted on Tuesday that the American decision had been made in ‘the death throes of a failed and corrupt administration.’” (The New York Times, January 12, 2021) Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “If a country risks being placed on a terrorism list as a result of facilitating peace efforts, it could set a negative precedent for international peace efforts.”: ‘The Trump administration’s decision to include Cuba on the State Sponsors of Terrorism List is regrettable. Placing Cuba on the list will make it difficult to normalise relations between the US and Cuba, and will impede efforts to promote positive change and development in Cuba,’ said [Norway’s] Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide. ‘We note that one of the reasons given for placing Cuba on the list is that the negotiating delegation from the Colombian guerrilla movement National Liberation Army (ELN) has remained in Cuba after peace negotiations between the ELN and the Colombian Government broke down in January 2019. Cuba has been Norway’s partner in the Colombian peace process. It is unreasonable that the outgoing US administration holds the Cuban government responsible for the delegation not being able to leave Cuba. If a country risks being placed on a terrorism list as a result of facilitating peace efforts, it could set a negative precedent for international peace efforts,’ said Ms Eriksen Søreide.” [Norway Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Release, January 13, 2021) OUR TAKE: “There is no compelling, factual basis to merit the designation. Instead it appears to be another shameless, last-ditch effort to hamstring the foreign policy of the incoming Biden administration and set the stage for the next election in Florida, all at the expense of the Cuban people and relations between our countries…It can take months for the incoming Biden administration to reverse this measure, as the State Department must first order a review of the designation and then submit a report to the U.S. Congress justifying a decision to rescind at least 45 days before the rescission would take effect. We call on the Biden administration to order an apolitical review of this designation immediately upon taking office, and reverse all executive orders imposed by the Trump administration that have pointlessly inflicted immeasurable harm to the Cuban people over the past four years.” Read the Cuba Study Group’s full statement here. “The designation could also limit the range of exports from the U.S. to Cuba, including software and technology and other items for the support of the Cuban people, said Ric Herrero, executive director of the Cuba Study Group. In addition, it triggers a Florida state law prohibiting state universities from using state funds for travel or research activities in blacklisted countries.” (Miami Herald, January 11, 2021) “Contrary to what Trump and his advisers declare, not only the business network ‘controlled by the military’ will suffer the effects: ‘One of the new restrictions resulting from this designation is related to the export of software and technology from the United States to Cuba even its private sector, which largely prefers American over Chinese. This is no way to support tech entrepreneurs (or our national security),’ tweeted the executive director of the Cuba Study Group, Ricardo Herrero.” (El Toque, January 12, 2021) “While [the designation] can be reversed, it could nonetheless spell further economic trouble for the island, which is already suffering its worst economic contraction since the fall of the Soviet Union. ‘Transactions with the Republic of Cuba would have an increase in scrutiny, resulting in fewer governments and companies wanting to engage with it,’ said John Kavulich, president of the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council, a New York-based nonpartisan organization. Although the measure does not entail more economic sanctions, the announcement may further reduce foreign investment on the island, as most companies prefer to avoid possible fines or the legal costs of doing business in blacklisted countries. Kavulich said insurance companies could either suspend coverage of transactions and operations of ships and aircraft going to Cuba, or increase prices.” (Miami Herald, January 11, 2021) Days later, the Trump administration also sanctioned Cuba’s Ministry of the Interior (MININT) and its minister General Álvarez Casas: “The Trump administration sanctioned Cuba’s interior minister and the agency overseeing the island’s state security apparatus Friday in a final push to punish the island’s government before leaving office. The U.S. Treasury Department accused Brigadier General Lázaro Alberto Álvarez Casas of ‘serious human rights abuses’ in making the designation. Also sanctioned is the Ministry of the Interior, which oversees the prison system, police and state security agency…The Treasury Department sanction freezes any U.S. assets. The list includes individuals and companies sanctioned for drug trafficking, terrorism, human rights violations, and other crimes. Companies or individuals under U.S. jurisdiction cannot engage in transactions with those blacklisted. The U.S. government…castigated the Cuban minister under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, which carries similar implications.Pompeo accused Álvarez Casas of being ‘an accomplice in harassing and monitoring journalists, dissidents, activists, and members of civil society groups, including more recently members of the San Isidro Movement.’…The new sanctions could hamper future cooperation between U.S. federal agencies and MININT, which also includes a Cuban Coast Guard branch. In 2016, during a brief thaw in relations under then-President Barack Obama, a MININT delegation visited U.S. military installations in Key West.” (Miami Herald, January 15, 2021) Biden transition team has “taken note of these last minute maneuvers”: “An official with Biden’s transition team said the incoming administration has ‘taken note of these last minute maneuvers…The transition team is reviewing each one, and the incoming administration will render a verdict based exclusively on one criterion: the national interest,’ said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss internal deliberations on the matter. The incoming president is widely expected to restore at least some of Obama’s opening with Cuba. While it can be reversed, it could nonetheless spell further economic trouble for the island, which is already suffering its worst economic contraction since the fall of the Soviet Union.” (Miami Herald, January 11, 2021 |
For the Cuban people, January 20th can’t come soon enough |
“Though Mr. Trump’s company had been
looking into investing in Cuba shortly before he took office, as president
he has hit the Communist-ruled island with the harshest sanctions in more
than a half-century. American cruise ships were
prohibited from docking on the island, remittances from the United States
were banned and tankers carrying oil from Venezuela were prevented from
arriving with their cargo. ‘The only thing left is diplomatic relations,’
[Ted Henken of Baruch College] said. ‘We still do officially have diplomatic
relations with Cuba, even though they are on ice in actual practice.’ These
efforts by the Trump administration to reverse the Obama initiatives have
set back the development of the private sector in Cuba and short-circuited
efforts by American businesses that had tried to build relations based on
the Obama détente, he said.” (The New York Times, January 12, 2021) “Mr. Trump’s hard-line approach to the Cuban leadership has led to an array of restrictions on tourism, visas, remittances, investments and commerce, which have worsened an already poor economy. The pandemic has compounded the problems, in large part by bringing tourism, a major source of foreign currency, to a grinding halt. Facing profound shortages of necessities like medicine and food, Cubans have been forced to stand in lines for hours in the hope of getting their hands on the meager stocks that exist. Supplies have gotten so thin that the government made it illegal for people to buy rice beyond their government-restricted monthly allotments. “Amid this hardship, many in Cuba are hoping that Mr. Biden will shift American policy in ways that might ease the economic duress. The president-elect has said little publicly about his policy goals for Cuba, though during the campaign he attacked Mr. Trump’s approach to Havana, saying, ‘Cuba is no closer to freedom and democracy today than it was four years ago.’ And Mr. Biden’s advisers have allowed that a normalization of relations with Cuba — essentially a return to the Obama-era détente — was the best strategy for effecting positive change.” (The New York Times, January 12, 2021) “For the Cuban government and its people, the change in American presidential administrations can’t come soon enough...Mr. Díaz-Canel has been mostly silent, at least publicly, on the potential for a thaw after Mr. Biden takes office. But on Nov. 8, he acknowledged Mr. Biden’s victory with a suggestion of hope, writing on Twitter: ‘We recognize that the US people have chosen a new direction in the presidential elections. We believe in the possibility of having a constructive bilateral relation while respecting our differences.’” (The New York Times, January 12, 2021) |