Reflections on Global Connections
Edited by Mervyn J. Bain and Chris Walker – Contributions by Mervyn J. Bain; Jeffrey DeLaurentis; H. Michael Erisman; Liliana Fernández Mollinedo; Adrian Hearn; Rafael Hernández; John M. Kirk; Peter Kornbluh; William LeoGrande; Robert L. Muse; Isaac Saney; Paolo Spadoni; Josefina Vidal and Chris Walker

Cuban International Relations at 60 brings together the perspectives of leading experts and the personal accounts of two ambassadors to examine Cuba’s global engagement and foreign policy since January 1959 by focusing on the island’s key international relationships and issues. Thisbook’s first section focuseson Havana’s complex relationship with Washington and its second section concentrates on Cuba’s other key relationships with consideration also being given to Cuba’s external trade and investment sectors and the possibility of the island becoming a future petro-power. Throughout this study due attention is given to the role of history and Cuban nationalism in the formation of the island’s unique foreign policy. This book’s examination and reflection on Cuba as an actor on the international arena for the 60 years of the revolutionary period highlights the multifaceted and complex reasons for the island’s global engagement. It concludes that Cuba’s global presence since January 1959 has been remarkable for a Caribbean island, is unparalleled, and is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. Scholars of international relations, Latin American studies, and political science n will find this book particularly interesting.
Lexington Books
Pages: 306 • Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-7936-3018-6 • Hardback • May 2021 • $110.00 • (£85.00)
978-1-7936-3019-3 • eBook • May 2021 • $45.00 • (£35.00) (coming soon)
Table of Contents
Introduction: Reflections on Cuba’s Global Connections (1959-2019)
Mervyn J. Bain and Chris Walker.
Part I: Cuban – U.S. Relations
Chapter 1 The Process of Rapprochement Between Cuba and the United States: Lessons Learnt. Remarks at the “The Cuban Revolution at 60” conference. Dalhousie University, Halifax, October 31, 2019. Josefina Vidal
Chapter 2 US-Cuban Relations: Personal Reflections. Remarks by Ambassador (ret.) Jeffrey DeLaurentis. Saturday, November 2, 2019 Jeffrey DeLaurentis
Chapter 3 Coercive Diplomacy or Constructive Engagement: Sixty Years of US Policy Toward Cuba. William LeoGrande
Chapter 4 The President has the Constitutional Power to Terminate the Embargo. Robert L. Muse
Chapter 5 [Re]Searching for the ‘Havana Syndrome’. Peter Kornbluh
Chapter 6 From Eisenhower to Trump: A Historical Summary of the US-Cuba Conflict (1959-2020). Liliana Fernández Mollinedo
Part II: Cuba on the Global Stage
Chapter 7 Cuba is Africa, Africa is Cuba. Isaac Saney
Chapter 8 Cuba-Canada Relations: Challenges and Prospects. John Kirk
Chapter 9 Cuba-China Relations and the Construction of Socialism. Adrian H. Hearn and Rafael Hernández
Chapter 10 Cuba-European Union Relations. A Complex and Multifaceted Relationship. Liliana Fernández Mollinedo and Mervyn J. Bain
Chapter 11 Havana and Moscow; Now, the Future and the Shadow of the Past. Mervyn J. Bain
Chapter 12 Havana and Caracas: Counter-Hegemonic Cooperation and the Battle for Sovereignty. Chris Walker
Chapter 13 Cuba’s Struggling External Sector: Internal Challenges and Outside Factors. Paolo Spadoni
Chapter 14 Cuba as a Petropower? Foreign Relations Implications. H. Michael Erisman
Conclusions: Reflections on Cuba’s Global Connections. Mervyn J. Bain and Chris Walker