On May 12, The Bildner Center at City University of New York, under the leadership of Mauricio Font organized a one-day conference analyzing the recent experience of the Cuban economy in its process of transformation. All of the Power Point presentations from the “COLLOQUIUM ON THE CUBAN ECONOMY” have been posted on the Center’s Web Site. The presentations of the Cuban participants, all from the Center for the Study of the Cuban Economy, namely Omar Everleny, Pavel Vidal, Camila Piñeiro, and Armando Nova, are especially valuable and informative as they provide up-to-date and inside analyses of major issue areas. Mauricio, Mario González-Corzo, and the team are certainly to be congratulated for organizing this event
All of the presentations can be be accessed at the Bildner Web Site via the hyperlinks listed below in the form of the program of the conference.
Session #1: Cuban Updates on Actualización
1. Cuentapropismo y ajuste estructural
Omar Everleny, University of Havana
2. Microfinanzas en Cuba
Pavel Vidal, University of Havana
3. Non-state Enterprises in Cuba: Current Situation and Prospects
Camila Piñeiro, University of Havana
4. Impacto de los Lineamientos de la Política Económico y Social en la producción nacional de alimento
Armando Nova, University of Havana
Moderator: Mauricio Font, Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies
Session # 2: Strategic Initiatives: Agriculture
1. Measuring Cuba’s Agricultural Transformations: Preliminary Findings
Mario González-Corzo, Lehman College, CUNY
2. U.S. Food and Agricultural Exports to Cuba – Uncertain Times Ahead
Bill Messina, University of Florida
Moderator: Emily Morris, Economist Intelligence Unit in London
Session # 3: Revamping Socialism: Perspectives and Prospects
1. Actualización in Perspective
Mauricio Font, Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies
2. Cuban Restructuring: Economic Risks
Emily Morris, Economist Intelligence Unit in London
3. Prospects in a Changing Geo-Economic Environment Archibald Ritter, Carleton University, Canada
ROUNDTABLE: Implications and Future Agenda