Havana Times, January 23: Expanded Private Initiatives in Cuba http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=36572
El País, 23 de enero: EE UU retrata la corrupción en Cuba http://www.elpais.com/articulo/internacional/EE/UU/retrata/corrupcion/Cuba/elpepuint/20110123elpepiint_1/Tes
Generation Y, January 22: The Elderly http://www.desdecuba.com/generationy/?p=2271
The Miami Herald, January 22: Corruption is pervasive, USINT cables say http://miamiherald.typepad.com/cuban_colada/2011/01/corruption-is-pervasive-usint-cables-say.html
Cuba Headlines, January 22: Venezuela improves interconnection with 994 miles of optical fiber to reach Cuba http://www.cubaheadlines.com/2011/01/22/29119/venezuela_improves_interconnection_with_994_miles_of_optical_fiber_to_reach_cuba.ht
Cuba Standard.Com, January 21: Angola seeking Cuban biotech know-how http://www.cubastandard.com/2011/01/21/angola-seeking-cuban-biotech-know-how/
Reuters, January 21: Cuba stops U.S. mail in new hiccup in relations http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE70K6BL20110122
Reuters, January 21: Analysis: Traffic jams unlikely on Cuban data highway
Diario de Cuba, 21 de enero: El guajiro y su narigón http://diariodecuba.com/cuba/2754-el-guajiro-y-su-narigon
The Nation, January 21: Cuba is ready to receive US tourist tide: tourism minister
Reuters, 21 de enero: Capital cubana pierde 70 por ciento agua potable por redes rotas http://espanol.news.yahoo.com/s/reuters/110121/internacional/internacional_cuba_agua
Granma, 21 de enero: La urgencia de ahorrar agua en la capital http://www.granma.cubaweb.cu/2011/01/21/nacional/artic01.html
Europa Press, 21 de enero: La llegada de turistas españoles a Cuba cayó un 20 por ciento en 2010 por la crisis, según el ministro de Turismo
Cuba Headlines, January 20: U.S. Cuba travel to shake Caribbean — a bit
Cubaencuentro, 20 de enero: Cadena hotelera española construirá tres hoteles en Cuba http://www.cubaencuentro.com/cuba/noticias/cadena-hotelera-espanola-construira-tres-hoteles-en-cuba-254108
AFP, 20 de enero: Los cubanos aprenden a ser empresarios y a cambiar la mentalidad de prohibiciones http://espanol.news.yahoo.com/s/afp/110120/latinoamerica/cuba_econom__a_pol__tica
The American, January 19: Cuban Entrepreneurs: From Necessary Evil to Strategic Necessity http://american.com/archive/2011/january/cuban-entrepreneurs-from-necessary-evil-to-strategic-necessity
Havana Times, January 19: A Culture of Work and Illegality http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=36329
El Mundo, 19 de enero: Brasil considera que el régimen de los Castro ‘no se sostiene’, según WikiLeaks http://www.elmundo.es/america/2011/01/20/brasil/1295482628.html
Global Post, January 19: US eases travel restrictions to Cuba
Elnuevodia.com, 19 de enero: Puente boricua hacia Cuba http://www.elnuevodia.com/puenteboricuahaciacuba-867476.html
El Economista, 19 de enero: Cuba se hunde http://eleconomista.com.mx/columnas/columna-especial-politica/2011/01/19/cuba-se-hunde
Reuters, January 18: Venezuela, Cuba outfox U.S. with fiber optic cable
NPR, January 18: Cuba Issues Thousands Of Self-Employment Licenses http://www.npr.org/2011/01/18/133020988/cuba-issues-thousands-of-self-employment-licenses
Reuters, 18 de enero: Cuba reforzará medidas de seguridad ante perforación petrolera http://mx.reuters.com/article/topNews/idMXN1815383420110118
The Engineer, January 18: Sugarcane by-product could help power Cuba
ACN, January 18: Angola to Strengthen Economic Bonds with Cuba http://www.ain.cubaweb.cu/idioma/ingles/2011/0117-angola-strengthen-economic-bonds-cuba.htm
Analitica.Com, 18 de enero: El cambio inevitable http://www.analitica.com/va/internacionales/opinion/8888915.asp
Generation Y, January 17, The Nicotine Business http://www.desdecuba.com/generationy/?p=2260
ONE, 17 de enero: Cuba: viviendas terminadas 2010 http://www.one.cu/publicaciones/08informacion/panorama2010/13Vivienda.pdf
Pjstar.com, January 17: Illinois farmers see opportunity in Cuba http://www.pjstar.com/news/x198684981/Illinois-farmers-see-opportunity-in-Cuba
CubaStandard.Com, January 17: Venezuela state airline starts Havana flights http://www.cubastandard.com/2011/01/17/venezuelan-state-airline-starts-havana-flights/
Europa Press, 17 de enero: Cuba mejorará su conexión a Internet en julio http://www.europapress.es/latam/sociedad/noticia-cuba-mejorara-conexion-internet-julio-20110117221544.html
CubaStandard.com, January 17: Cubans with phone line will have ‘right’ to Internet at home
Homesgofast, January 17: Cuba Now Ready For Overseas Property Investors?
BBC, January 17: UK firm signs Cuban renewable energy deal
BBC, January 17: Cuba: US easing of travel rules ‘positive but limited’
The Miami Herald, January 17: Text of Cuban Foreign Ministry statement http://miamiherald.typepad.com/cuban_colada/2011/01/text-of-cuban-foreign-ministry-statement.html